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Ray Coull

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My path to being diagnosed with MND.
Steve what started this process was that in March 2022 I went to my local doctor with concerns about the possibility of me having had a mild stroke.
Reasons for this were that I started to notice my voice changing in tone and also my upper body had lost tone and while at work I noticed I never had the same strength doing simple tasks.
That led to me having appts with several doctors, physicians and specialists.
During this period my weight changed also and I ended up at a neurologist and after many tests again it was thought it was something other than MND but further tests then had my neurologist giving me the devastating news that in his opinion I did have MND .
My symptoms have changed more recently steve with my speech being slurry and also my diet along with eating, chewing, swallowing all have their effects.
After all this I now am being in constant contact with people from MNDSA who do an unbelievable job in helping me get through this .
It is said that 2 people are diagnosed daily with this disease.
My aim is to push on and with the amazing support and help through amazing people like you and Jeff doing fundraising to help get the funds to one day find a cure to this disease.

Ray Coull has 39 supporters
