A will is a legal document that reflects who and what is most important to you – including the causes that you support. At a time of emotional distress, your will provides your loved ones with a clear understanding of your wishes.
Leaving a gift to MNDSA in your will is a thoughtful and lasting way of supporting the work of MNDSA and helps ensure that we can continue to support all those who are affected by a diagnosis of MND, be they people living with MND or their loved ones, for it is estimated that for every person diagnosed with MND another fourteen people will live with the consequences of MND.

Suggested Wording for Wills
‘I (insert name here) bequeath to Motor Neurone Disease South Australia Inc (ABN 87 026 807 478) for its general purposes.
[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]
1. the whole of my estate
2. (insert number) percentage of my estate
3. the residue of my estate
4. the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash)
5. my (insert name of asset)
free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).’
Words in italics to be adjusted in an accordance with testator’s wishes.
Don’t know where to start?
We have listened to the voices of our clients who have told us that dealing with the practicalities of planning for life’s end can seem overwhelming and complicated. That’s why we have teamed up with Willed to bring you a simple, affordable, quick online solution to making your will.
Willed is one of Australia’s leading online estate planning platforms, built by lawyers and trusted by thousands of Australians. With Willed, you can write your legal Will online in less than 20 minutes from the comfort of your own home.
For just $159 and in three easy steps you can have a will that is legally valid throughout Australia and customised just for you using Willed’s convenient, safe, secure, and fast online platform.
You will be asked to create a Willed account, answer some questions about your partner and children and appoint your executors.
After you have taken care of your loved ones, you might also like to leave a gift to MNDSA. Large or small, when you include a gift to MNDSA in your will you are making a serious impact in the availability of care and support for people affected by a diagnosis of MND and the search for better treatments and a cure for MND.
The Impact of Your Will
Making a will is an important way to secure the future of your loved ones and to make known your wishes to those you leave behind. Leaving a bequest is a tremendous, thoughtful and lasting way of supporting the work of MNDSA and help to ensure that we can continue to support all those who are affected by a diagnosis of MND, be they people living with MND or their loved ones, for it is estimated that for every person diagnosed with MND another fourteen people will live with the consequences of MND.
Need more information
If you would like to talk to someone at MNDSA about leaving a gift in your will to MNDSA please contact our office ph. 08 8234 8448 or email admin@mndsa.org.au.